
The management of Creation Films Limited are committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for anyone using the premises or visiting on business. In demonstrating Management's duty of care, we will take all practicable steps to provide a working environment that minimises the incidence of risk or personal injury, ill health or damage to property. We will comply with the WorkSafe NZ Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 in all areas, this includes legislation, regulations, codes of practice and safe operating procedures.

We are committed to:

  • Providing employees with appropriate training.
  • Clarifying employee health & safety responsibilities
  • Providing safe plant, equipment and systems of work. 
  • Regular consultation on health and safety issues.
  • Designating health & safety at a senior level
  • Ensuring managers (including senior management) have an understanding of health & safety management relative to their positions
  • Actively encouraging the early reporting of any pain or discomfort
  • Provide treatment and rehabilitation plans that ensure a safe, early and durable return to work

A safe working culture is the responsibility of everyone and this can be best achieved and continuously improved through co-operative efforts of employees. A safe culture will be reinforced through:

  • Continually identifying, assessing and controlling possible risks to the health and safety of people that may arise in the workplace.
  • The provision of information concerning such risks and the promotion, instruction, training and supervision of employees to ensure safe work practices.
  • Giving employees and when appropriate customers the opportunity to participate in health and safety decisions that affect them.
  • Accurate reporting and recording in all health and safety matters
  • Formally recognizing excellence in the health & safety management & innovations by staff.

In the interests of maintaining safety, contractors, their employees, visitors and customers are required to observe and comply with all health mid safety standards and rules produced. This includes any safety signage or warnings, or instruction given by any company employee whilst on our premises (or site).

You have a shared responsibility for our team's safety

How Am I Responsible? 

As a staff member, or contractor in the Creation Films team, you are a PCBU: A PCBU is a ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’. A PCBU may be an individual person or an organisation. The primary duty of care requires a PCBU to ensure health and safety ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’. When used in this context, something is reasonably practicable if it is reasonably able to be done to ensure health and safety, having weighed up and considered all relevant matters, including:

  • How likely are any hazards or risks to occur?
  • How severe could the harm that might result from the hazard or risk be?
  • What a person knows or ought to reasonably know about the risk and the ways of eliminating or minimising it (e.g. by removing the source of the risk or using control measures such as isolation or physical controls to minimise it).
  • What measures exist to eliminate or minimise the risk (control measures)?
  • How available and suitable is the control measure(s)?
  • Lastly weigh up the cost:
  • What is the cost of eliminating or minimising the risk?
  • Is the cost grossly disproportionate to the risk?